
The Posterior Interosseous Artery flap is a fasciocutaneous flap based on the Posterior Interosseous artery which lies invested by the fascial septum between the Extensor carpi ulnaris and Extensor Digiti Minimi where it gives off septocutaneous branches that spread out on the deep fascia to form longitudinal fascial arcades as well as supply the deep extensors. The conventional flap based on these perforators is restricted to the middle-thirds of the dorsum of forearm. Preservation of the perforators from the Interosseous Recurrent Artery by proximal ligation of the Interosseous Recurrent Artery and by protecting the index septum prolongation carrying the perforators of IRA can help us to recruit larger tissue in the flap. A total of 20 clinical cases and 10 cadaveric dissections were done to objectively define this technique.

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