
Conflict among different communities is one of the serious challenges persisting peaceful coexistence across the globe. In Nigeria conflict related to farmers/herders has adverse effects on people and their livelihood. This paper aims to investigate the role of the Interfaith Mediation Centre in managing conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Bauchi State, Nigeria with specific objectives: To examine the positive indicators in the management of conflict between farmers and herdsmen and to analyze the challenges facing Interfaith Mediation Centre in Managing conflict between farmers and herdsmen within the intended area of study. The peace-building theory was adopted. This study adopted a case study research design. The research instrument used for data collection in this study was a semi-structured interview designed by the authors. The purposive sampling technique was guided in the selection of the participants. The thematic content analysis was adopted in analyzing the data according to the study objectives. The paper's findings show that the Interfaith Mediation Centre worked with security agencies, Farmers Association, and Cattle Breeders Association in promoting peace. The organization has experienced backlash from the two dominant groups of farmers and herders who are dominantly Muslims and Christians. The paper is significant in the context of managing the conflict within Bauchi State. Thus, the paper concluded that the interfaith Mediation Centre has been effective in curbing violent conflict among farmers and herders in Bauchi State. Hence, the paper recommends that the interfaith mediation Centre should be strengthened financially to carry out its functions hitch-free; a report on dialogue should be utilized.

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