
The complex interfacial condition between the human brain and the skull has been difficult to emulate in a surrogate system. Surrogate head models have typically been built using a homogeneous viscoelastic material to represent the brain, but the effect of different interfacial conditions between the brain and the skull on pressure transduction into the brain during blast has not been studied. In the present work, three interfacial conditions were generated in physical surrogate human head models. The first surrogate consisted of a gel brain separated from the skull by a layer of saline solution similar in thickness to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) layer in the human head: the fluid interface head model. The second surrogate head had the entire cranial cavity filled with the gel: the fixed interface head model. The third surrogate head contained a space-filling gel brain wrapped in a thin plastic film: the stick-slip interface head model. The human head surrogates were evaluated in a series of frontal blast tests to characterize the effect of skull-brain interfacial conditions on overpressure propagation into the gel brains. The fixed and the stick-slip interface head models showed nearly equal peak brain overpressures. In contrast, the fluid interface head model had much higher in-brain peak overpressures than the other two models, thus representing the largest transmission of forces into the gel brain. Given that the elevated peak overpressures occurred only in the fluid interface head model, the presence of the saline layer is likely responsible for this increase. This phenomenon is hypothesized to be attributed to the incompressibility of the saline and/or the impedance differences between the materials. The fixed interface head model showed pronounced high frequency energy content relative to the other two models, implying that the fluid and the stick-slip conditions provided better dampening. The cumulative impulse energy entering the three brain models were similar, suggesting that the interface conditions do not affect the total energy transmission over the positive phase duration of a blast event. This study shows that the fidelity of the surrogate human head models would improve with a CSF-emulating liquid layer.


  • Blast overpressure (OP) from explosive detonations and heavy weapon systems has been linked to transient, but measurable effects of deteriorated performance and symptomologies in law enforcement and military personnel [1,2,3,4]

  • This study sought to expand current head surrogate models by introducing and validating a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) layer between skull and brain to investigate the role of interfacial conditions on blast propagation into the human head

  • The fluid head exhibited much higher inbrain peak pressures than either fixed or stick-slip heads. These results indicate that the addition of a CSF layer to the surrogate model does influence results, while providing explosive blast validation for previous shock tube efforts [18] and including cadaveric surrogate shock tube work [5]

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Blast overpressure (OP) from explosive detonations and heavy weapon systems has been linked to transient, but measurable effects of deteriorated performance and symptomologies in law enforcement and military personnel [1,2,3,4]. The ability to study these effects in controlled environments is limited. Shock tubes can generate consistent shock waves in a controlled lab environment but they may not completely mimic the OP signature experienced from live detonations or heavy weapons fire [5]. Existing surrogate models for studying OP propagation into the body, and especially into the brain, are limited in their likeness to the actual biology. This work presents a novel methodology for determining how different interfacial conditions in surrogate heads may affect OP propagation into the brain

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