
World over, the teaching and learning institutions have been redesigning their methodologies of service delivery using the modern and efficient platform if information technology propelled by the forth industrial revolution paradigm shift. The study sought to establish the role of information communication technology as an enabler in the management of secondary school affairs. The study sought to: Establish the availability of information communication technology (ICT) used in the day to day teaching and learning services at day secondary schools; Find out the status of day secondary schools’ principal’s current awareness on the use of ICT in the day to day running of their schools’ affairs; and assess the extent of ICT employability in the management of school records. The study employed descriptive survey and systematic random sampling drawing a sample of 110 respondents who responded to interview schedules and questionnaires. The study established that 49% of the teaching force in day secondary schools were had bachelor’s degree. On ICT integration, 87% of the sampled academic and examination departments conducted their activities through ICT processes. The study concluded that information communication technology is as an indispensable tool in the daily management of secondary schools, teaching and learning process during the 4th industrial revolution era of information technology. Finally the study recommended that schools should endeavour to retool teachers on ICT skills and competencies as enablers for 21st century pedagogies for teaching and learning.

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