
Some formal contextual factors influence on individual psychological security, has stated that employee perceived external risk and threat increase, thereby increasing the uncertainty, which will reduce psychological security in the workplace, the study aimed evaluating whether self-awareness, social awareness and relational agility leads to psychological security. The population is based 395 workforce of Jos Electricity Distribution Plc (JED) Jos business district in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis formulated in the study. The upshots stated Social-awareness does not have any significant impact on psychological security. The result shows that this hypothesis is rejected. The path coefficient from social-awareness and psychological security is statistically substantial with beta (β) value and robust t-value (β=0.167: t=4.036 p<0.020). Therefore, since P-value is<0.05 the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship amid SOA and PS is disallowed and Hi, supported. The study concludes psychological security shows a key part in workforce’ performance of psychological security, as well as work engagement and recommends that there should be hint that even though psychological elasticity is usually considered an individual distinctive as it inclines to be stable over time, current interventions can also boost it among individual workforce.

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