
Humour is a psychological response characterized by the positive emotion of amusement, the appraisal that something is funny, and the tendency to laugh. Humour, is both a source of entertainment and a means of coping with difficult or awkward situations and stressful events. The present study aimed to explore how young adults using different styles of humour experienced COVID related state anxiety.For this purpose data was collected online from young adults in the age range of 20-30 years. The time of data collection on the pandemic timeline in India ranged from 3rd week of April 2020 to 2nd week of May 2020. The spread of COVID pandemic in India at the time of data collection was nearly 1 lakh cases (95,698 as per worldometer.info)). The state anxiety during the COVID 19 situation was assessed with the help of State Trait Anxiety Inventory (1977) by Spielberger. The Humour Style Questionnaire by Martin et al.(2003), was used to assess Adaptive styles of humour (Affiliative humour, Self enhancing humour) and Maladaptive styles of humour (Self- defeating humour and Aggressive humour). The total sample comprised of 100 adults. Results distinctly indicated that young adults high on Adaptive and Maladaptive Humour styles respectively differed significantly on Covid related State Anxiety. Additionally sex differences also emerged on Covid related State Anxiety. Implications of the study point towards the buffer effect of Adaptive humour in dealing with Covid related anxiety.

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