
A field experiment was conducted during the winter agricultural season 2020. To study the effect of humic acid and fertilizer recommendation, humic acid was supplied with irrigation water at two levels i.e., 0 and 0.25 gm L-1. Nine levels of the fertilizer recommendation were applied according to the fertilizer recommendation of 92kg N.h-1, 200 kg P. h-1 and 150 kg K. h-1 taking the symbols of F1to F9. The results showed the superiority of the treatments of humic acid application( 0.25 gm l-1) in the traits of plant height, Weight of broccoli head, total yield, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium concentrations, by giving 32.64 cm, 246.5 gm plant-1, 8.215 tons ha-1, 5.541%, 0.3816%, and 3. 641% respectively, the treatment of adding chemical fertilizer at a level of 125% N + 125% P + % K 125 of the fertilizer recommendation(F2) gave the highest plant height of 36.60 cm, Weight of broccoli head of 269.2 g plant-1, total yield of 8.972 tons H-1, nitrogen concentration 5.817% and concentration Phosphorous 0.3141% compared to treatment F9, while treatment F5 gave the highest potassium concentration 3.893% compared to treatment F9 (1.914%).

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