
In the introductory parts of the study, the concept of 'human mistake' and its main kinds are considered. Historical role of humane mistake is analyzed in the case of constitution of the first Yugoslav state (1918). The Serbian government and its president, Nikola Pašić made cardinal mistake because they imposed the unitary monarchy to other Yugoslav peoples; Croatian and Slovenian politicians committed basic error because they accepted the unitary monarchy that was opposite to the interest of their nations and to their political conception, federation or loose confederation between two states, the Serbian Monarchy and the State of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs that lived on the territory of the former Austria-Hungary. The greater part of the study comprises the comparative sociological analysis of the two, the most important revolutions in the modern European History, French Revolution (1789) and October Revolution (1917). One of the main objectives of the study is to answer the following questions: (a) Whether the French philosophers of the XVIII century and the authors of the 'Declaration of human and citizens rights' were responsible for deviation of main objectives and ideals of the Revolution (freedom, right of property, equal portion of citizens to the law etc.) in the capitalist society? (b) Whether the founders of the 'scientific socialism' made cardinal mistakes concerning the concept of the future society, which brought about decomposition of 'real socialism'? The main result of the comparative analysis is the following French Revolution (1789) was, according to its general aims and ideals, the explicit (primary) universal, humanistic and the implicit (secondary) bourgeois, capitalist revolution since it opened road to development of capitalism; the October Revolution (1917) was, according to its main objectives the explicit (primary) proletarian, socialist since it intended to create this type of society, and should be implicit (secondary) universal, human revolution. Although the French philosophers of the XVIII century hade some wrong opinions and anticipations, their general political objectives and ideals, accepted by French Revolution, were not 'accountable' for their deviations in social practice. Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin made cardinal mistakes concerning the basic concept of socialist society, rejecting any from of democracy and market economy in socialism. Therefore, decomposition of 'real socialism' in Europe was direct and inevitable result of their 'construction mistakes'. The other 'political road' of Social democracy in modern European history was, on the contrary, a successful revision of classical liberal capitalism. If the czarist Russia followed this way of modernization, the Russian society could become a real democratic and progressive society. What is more important, Russian people would not have enormous loss in human lives and material resources during the Revolution and in the Stalinist period.

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