
Anal fissure is one of the most painful anorectal diseases which makes the patient seek medical help. The textbooks of modern medicine classify anal fissures into acute and chronic depending on the duration. The position of the fissure and also other underlying diseases if present, predispose the fissure towards chronicity. According to Hahnemannian classification of diseases, anal fissures are tubercular in origin. Combined with Sycotic miasm, the condition becomes aggravated and difficult to cure. Homoeopathic medicines like Aesculus hippocastanum, Causticum, Graphites, Hydrastis, Ignatia amara, Lachesis, Natrum muriaticum, Nitric acid, Paeonia officinalis, Ratanhia peruviana, Sepia, Sulphur, Silicia, Thuja, are helpful in this condition when selected on the basis of totality of symptoms. Surgery is required if the fissure does not heal with medication or it becomes the cause for secondary symptoms- the so-called complications.

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