
Hypo-pigmentation of skin, although is not a life threatening disease, but is considered to be a social stigma, so invariably associated with significant psychological trauma and social isolation [1]. Pityriasis Alba is one of the cause of secondary hypo-pigmentation. Others include Pityriasis Versicolour, Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis, Phenylketonuria etc. It is a type of eczema presenting as de-pigmented areas on the face, particularly in children, with or without scale [2]. Even though it is commonly encountered in dermatological practice, there is paucity of Indian studies on the subject.3A case presented in this paper of 23 years old female suffering from Pityriasis Alba of 3 months duration. The lesion started with a reddish popular lesion on lateral aspect both the elbow joint. In 3-4 days, it started converting into pale patches. An individualized homoeopathic medicine, Ignatia Amara was prescribed followed by Bacillinum which showed complete resolution of the disease. This case report suggests homoeopathic treatment as a promising complementary or alternative therapy in such type of skin lesion. Hypo-pigmentation of skin, although is not a life threatening disease, but is considered to be a social stigma, so invariably associated with significant psychological trauma and social isolation [1]. Pityriasis Alba is one of the cause of secondary hypo-pigmentation. Others include Pityriasis Versicolour, Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis, Phenylketonuria etc. It is a type of eczema presenting as de-pigmented areas on the face, particularly in children, with or without scale [2]. Even though it is commonly encountered in dermatological practice, there is paucity of Indian studies on the subject.3A case presented in this paper of 23 years old female suffering from Pityriasis Alba of 3 months duration. The lesion started with a reddish popular lesion on lateral aspect both the elbow joint. In 3-4 days, it started converting into pale patches. An individualized homoeopathic medicine, Ignatia Amara was prescribed followed by Bacillinum which showed complete resolution of the disease. This case report suggests homoeopathic treatment as a promising complementary or alternative therapy in such type of skin lesion.

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