
Introduction: Obesity is associated with comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. HDAC3 regulates adipose tissue physiology (WAT), and its genetic inactivation causes metabolic reprogramming of white adipocytes toward browning. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of HDAC3 silencing at different stages of differentiation and investigate the influence of adipocyte metabolism on the immunophenotype of WAT. Materials and Methods: Following HDAC3 silencing in mesenchymal stem cells and mature adipocytes, adipocyte function, RNA, DNA and protein levels, and proliferation at the end of differentiation were analyzed. Visceral WAT immunophenotype (vWAT) of Hdac3 KO mice in WAT (Hdac3fatKO) and controls (FL) was performed by FACS. Results: Silencing HDAC3 in precursors amplifies the expression of genes and proteins that regulate differentiation, oxidative metabolism, browning and mitochondrial activity. Following silencing, we found increased 1)phosphorylation of AKT (1.64 fold change, P<0.0001), indicative of increased insulin signaling, and 2)proliferation, characteristic of the early phase of differentiation. Mitochondrial content was unchanged, but increased mitochondrial activity was observed in terms of maximal respiration (1.42 fold change, P=0.0151) and uncoupling of the electron transport chain (+11.6%, P<0.0001). No difference was observed following HDAC3 silencing in mature adipocytes. We hypothesized that the enhancement of oxidative metabolism may cause cellular damage or senescence and, consequently, the immunophenotype of vWAT might be affected by HDAC3 ablation. Analysis reveals an increase of macrophages (2.48 fold change, P=0.0311) in the vWAT of Hdac3fatKO mice polarizing toward the M2 population. Coculture of adipocytes with macrophages from bone marrow indicates that HDAC3 silencing in adipocytes stimulates macrophage activation. Conclusions: HDAC3 is a key factor in the WAT phenotype, and its inactivation triggers mechanisms that support browning. Early epigenetic events mediated by HDAC3 silencing are crucial in directing adipocyte precursors toward the oxidative phenotype. Finally, results obtained from ex vivo and in vitro studies suggest that specific factors produced by KO adipocytes may be involved in determining the observed immunophenotype. [FONDAZIONE CARIPLO 2015-0641]

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