
Summary The sequence stratigraphic analysis based on detailed core descriptions of Najmah-Sargelu formation helped defining a high-resolution stratigraphic framework. The sedimentary facies scheme and the depositional model, indicates a high lateral continuity of the sedimentary facies between the cores and the associated sedimentary facies along the stratigraphic column. The vertical successions of the interpreted depositional environments within the Najmah and Sargelu Formations represent deepening and shallowing events. Thus, Sequence stratigraphic frameworks served to define and place the main and intermediate markers position (unit and subunit tops). These were further identified on wireline log signature through comparison between core and log data (linking sedimentary facies information to petrophysical parameters). Once a log signature/pattern has been defined for the entire Najmah and Sargelu Formations, these markers were propagated to both the uncored intervals and uncored wells. Altogether, 20 markers and 19 subunits are recognized. The positioning of these markers is also consistent on the wire line logs. Finally, the combined interpretation of the sequence stratigraphic framework and the electrofacies extension serves for reservoir layering and geostatistical simulation. This has increased the control points for the 3D modeling and served to distribute petrophysical significant rock-type bodies within the sequence stratigraphic framework.

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