
Customer demand for green products is increased since awareness of environmental issues prevailing in current era. The main purpose of conducting the research is to measure role of green brand positioning, attitudes toward green brands, green customer values and environmental consequences in influencing green purchase intention. Furthermore, the majority of study in this field concentrated in highly prosperous nations, while there was a paucity of research on the context of green purchase intention GPI in developing countries. The current study fills up this gap in literature by examining factors that influence green purchase intention GPI in Pakistan including Theory of Planned Behavior TPB. According to the study's findings marketing managers must take a firm's green brand positioning strategy into account while creating advertising messages that encourage customers to support the company's green initiatives. A well-implemented green brand positioning strategy can lead to a more promising attitude toward green brand (ATGB) and influence their attitude toward green purchase intention as well as awareness of environmental consequences influence customer intention to buy green products., green brand positioning and green customer value have noteworthy impact on green purchase intention. In this data is collected once as it is cross-sectional study. Research on green purchase intention (GPI) has established significant development in the past years. However, there are still several important aspects in various contextual setting that demand further research. Some other potential predictors are not included in this research due to time and cost restriction. More fruitful results can be achieved by doing longitudinal researches on these variables for more generalizing purpose. 

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