
The role of gravity waves in the initiation of convection over oceanic regions during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean‐Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) experiment is investigated. First, an autocorrelation method is applied to infrared temperature observations of convective events from satellite images. It reveals that new deep convective cells often occur a few hours after a previous intense event at a typical distance of a few hundred kilometers. Such fast moving modes (faster than 15 m s 21) are interpreted as the trace of gravity waves excited by previous convection and contributing to trigger further convection. Second, the specific case of 11‐12 December 1992, during which an active squall line is generated after the collapse of a previous mesoscale convective system (MCS) nearby, is analyzed with a nonhydrostatic model. The triggering of the second MCS is well reproduced explicitly, owing to the use of the two-way interactive grid nesting. The convective source appears to emit pulses of gravity waves on a wide range of small scales. On the contrary, the troposphere response to the convective source exhibits a spectral simplicity. A slowly evolving mode, characterized by an ascent in the PBL and a compensating subsidence in the free troposphere, favors shallow convection and inhibits deep convection, respectively. Traveling modes propagating away from the convective source are characterized by a fast mode (;50 m s21) and a slower mode (; 25 ms 21) associated with the convective and stratiform development of the source, respectively, in agreement with previous studies. A budget analysis reveals the different factors leading to the deep convection triggering. First, an active PBL characterized by strong surface fluxes and mean ascent, initiates shallow convection, lasting about 2 h, inhibited above by the subsiding motions maintaining a dry layer. Second, horizontal advection of moist and cooler air at midlevels, and detrainment from cumuli, contribute to destroy the dry air layer capping the shallow convective layer. Finally, vertical advection induced by the gravity waves passage modulates the vapor and temperature evolution. Ascending phases favor moistening and cooling, whereas subsiding phases stop these effects, delaying the deep convection onset. The triggering occurs after a strong subsidence, when the ascent phases of deep and shallow modes are combined.

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