
Background: Ear is a very prominent part of the face after nose and eyes, especially in Indian subcontinent wherein both the males and females it adorns a variety of ornaments to beautify the face. It is esthetically important. Burns are often neglected owing to no hearing impairment in this region. Important aspect in burns of ear is perichondritis and its management. Objective: The objective of this study was to study the role of gentamicin in post-burns perichondritis. Materials and Methods: In our study, five patients are identified with perichondritis in the past 1 year. All five patients were male and associated with facial burns. Youngest patient was 12 years of age and oldest patient was 45 years of age. All patients had the 2nd–3rd degree burns. Of five of three patients had accidental electrical burns, one had homicidal chemical burns, and one had accidental thermal burns. Results: In all five patients, we gave gentamicin from the day of start of perichondritis. On an average, all patients showed resolution at the end of 1–2 weeks except one patient, who developed abscess whose resolution came after 1 month of continue irrigation and wash and dressing. Conclusion: Ear burns are often neglected; perichondritis is common in the 2nd–3rd degree burns. Infection generally manifests within 2–4 weeks of burns. Intralesional gentamicin is cheap and effective treatment of perichondritis in burns.

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