
The role of estrogen in the Indian wall lizard, Hemidactylus flaviviridis during PMSG induced spermatogenesis in the regression phase and during normal spermatogenesis in the active breeding phase was investigated. Blood hormone levels demonstrated a high testosterone to estrogen ratio in the breeding and vice verse during the regressed phase. PMSG treatment (30 IU in 100 μl saline/lizard/alternate day for 30 days) during the regressed phase stimulated spermatogenesis which was associated with a significant ( p < 0.001) rise in plasma testosterone levels. Complete spermatogenesis with sperms was resolved in many tubular sections. However, co-administration of PMSG plus estrogen in high doses (2 μg of estradiol benzoate/alternate day) for the same period not only curtailed germ cell proliferation significantly but also induced apoptosis in germ cells. There was no significant reduction in testicular weight but sperms were found completely absent in all the tubules. Decline in the plasma testosterone was more pronounced in high compared to low estrogen treated groups. Further, low estrogen administration had little effect either on raising the plasma levels of estrogen or subsequently on spermatogenesis which was identically observed in the breeding phase too. Estrogen intervention (2 μg) in the breeding phase also profoundly suppressed spermatogenesis leading to a severe depletion in germ cells. Simultaneously, there was a significant rise in germ cell apoptosis which was associated with an up-regulation of extrinsic (caspase 8, Fas, FasL) and intrinsic (caspase 9, Bax, Bcl2) markers in these cells. Taken together, the above data indicate that the estrogen plays a key role in regulating spermatogenesis in the wall lizard retarding it during testicular quiescence and eliminating germ cells through apoptosis during the active breeding phase.

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