
Epidemiological and biochemical factors play a significant role in early blight disease development in potatoes. For this 29 test cultivars/ lines, were screened, 15 lines including Cardinal and Desiree were found to be very highly susceptible. Eight lines including Diament FSD-White, and TPS-9813 showed highly susceptible response. Two lines i.e. 9802 and 396266-33 were susceptible. Only one variety /advanced line FD-1-8 was found to be resistant. None of the 29 advanced lines was found to be highly resistant while two lines such as FD-3-9 and FD-48-41 were shown moderately resistant response. At varietal level, among 29 test varieties/ advanced lines, all the varieties showed highly significant correlation with minimum temperature and negative correlation with maximum temperature. 18 varieties/advanced lines have significant correlation with pan evaporation. Whereas all the 29 varieties/ advanced lines did not show any correlation with relative humidity and wind speed. Five varieties/ advanced lines namely Cardinal, 396240-181, 9803, FD-1-9 and 9801 were selected to study the relationship of environmental conditions with disease severity. Maximum disease severity was recorded at 17-200C maximum temperature, 6-9oC of minimum air temperature and 1.9-2.4 mm pan evaporation. Relative humidity and wind speed almost had no significant effect on disease severity. On varietal level early blight disease severity had significant correlation with phenolic production both in leaves and tubers. Among 29 varieties, 20 varieties had significant correlation with phenolic production while 9 had no correlation in case of leaves while in case of tubers 19 varieties/ lines showed significant correlation 10 lines did not show any correlation with phenolics production.


  • Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) belongs to Solanaceae family

  • In Pakistan the crop was cultivated on large area of about 3,000 hectares in 1947-48 with an annual production of 27,000 tons (Anonymous, 1989)

  • The average yield of potato ha -1 is very low in Pakistan as compared to MATERIAL AND METHODS Establishment of disease screening nursery under field conditions: A disease screening nursery comprising of 29 varieties/ advanced lines was established in the research area of Plant Pathology Department, during 2005-2006

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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) belongs to Solanaceae family. It is world’s leading vegetable crop by virtue of its inherent potential for tonnage production, remunerative income and food values. In Pakistan the crop was cultivated on large area of about 3,000 hectares in 1947-48 with an annual production of 27,000 tons (Anonymous, 1989). Whereas at present the potato occupies an area of about 115.8 thousand ha with an average yield of 24.6 thousand kg / ha. The average yield of potato ha -1 is very low in Pakistan as compared to

28 FD-3-9 29 FD-1-8
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