
INTRODUCTION: Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is a systemic infection which has a signicant impact on the hematopoietic system and hemostasis. Denitive diagnosis requires a laboratory conrmation test with presence of specic clinical characteristics. Patients critically ill with COVID-19 presents with hyper inammation, and the associated biomarkers may be benecial for risk stratication. During the disease course, Eosinophil count and CRP may help to effectively differentiate the suspected COVID-19 patients from others attending the fever clinic with u like symptoms. Ferritin is a key mediator of immune dysregulation and act as a crucial factor inuencing the severity of COVID-19. RESULT: 19 patients in the COVID-19 group (73%) and 4 patients in the COVID-19 negative group (16.6%) had eosinopenia. Eosinopenia and elevated C-reactive protein present with a positive predictive value at 70.7%. 14 patients with severe COVID-19 revealed elevated levels of ferritin as compared with patients having non-severe disease CONCLUSION:The combination of eosinopenia and elevated CRPcan effectively distinguish suspected COVID-19 patients from other patients attending the u clinic with COVID-19 like initial symptoms. An elevated serum CRP and ferritin were associated with poor outcome and critical phase of disease. Our study is helpful in classifying patients at the time of presentation with disease that requires hospitalization and initial therapy. The utmost importance of our study reects about early isolation of cases. AIM and Objective: Ÿ To study the role of Eosinophil count in risk stratication of patients presenting in u clinic. Ÿ To correlate the severity of disease with levels of eosinopenia, elevated CRPand Serum Ferritin.

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