
The use of data mining techniques to answer important educational questions is done with educational data mining that may be related to predicting students' performance or assessment. The purpose of these remains to address the goal of meeting and fulfilling the learning objectives. Learning analytics is a new approach for teachers to think about education and involves the visualization of data about students to improve learning. It is related to management strategies that prioritize quantitative measurements, which can sometimes be at odds with a teaching-focused approach to education. The purpose of this study is to perform a systematic literature review of the various techniques used in both educational data mining and learning analytics. The area of educational data mining utilizes data mining techniques to examine educational data. Meanwhile, learning analytics centers on utilizing data to gain knowledge about learning processes and student performance. The review will consider various techniques, including statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization techniques, which are commonly used. The goal is to identify the most effective techniques for analyzing educational data and improving student learning outcomes. By performing a systematic literature review, this study will provide an overview of the current state of research in educational data mining and learning analytics. It will also identify gaps in the literature and suggest areas for future research. Ultimately, the findings of this study will be of great value to researchers, educators, and policymakers who are interested in using data to enhance the learning experience. For performing this, a few research questions have been designed to select relevant studies. In this study, the research articles from a decade, 2012 to 2022, are taken into consideration. From the overall search results, 41 studies have been taken into consideration that has addressed the scope and significance of this study.

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