
Background: Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital (AMC) is etiopathogenetically a heterogeneous disorderwhich is considered to be a neuromuscular syndrome present at birth. It is characterized by presence ofcontractures in more than two body areas at the prevalence rate of 1 in every 3000 to 5000 live births.Purpose: There are no reports in the literature which provides clear guidelines regarding physical therapyinterventions for children with AMC. The purpose of this case report is to document the infant’s recoverybased on the frequency and duration of physical therapy interventions during first 11 months of life.Key points of case: An infant with arthrogryposis multiplex congenital was followed from day 15 to 11months of early developmental period. Following continuous and integrated physical therapy, infant achievednormal developmental sequence with visible improvement in joint contractures. Without interveningsurgically, there is improvement in club foot of the baby. This article enlightens physiotherapeutic treatmentstrategies for child with AMC.Conclusion: Physical therapy of a child with AMC should be multi-centred, holistic and continuous.Early approach to physical therapist minimise the complications following AMC. Early physical therapyinterventions can help in prolonging the early need of surgical interventions during developmental age.

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