
In introduction, the paper determines an anthropological propositions of Nikolai A. Berdyaev's philosophy underlying his teachings on creativity. According to him, a man is not just an object of nature, but its supernatural subject. He is a measure of all things, a microcosm. Next follows deliberation about the nature of cognition where Berdyaev equates a gnoseology with the creativity act, because only acting can provide knowledge. Further on, in the section about creativity, Berdyaev diverges from the patristic, negative anthropology based on atonement of original sin, and directs toward a positive man's mission that is not only to create, but to enrich 'life' of the God Himself. Finally, his learning about philosophy of history is presented: people preparing for the coming of the 'Kingdom of God' through creativity (in the form of a metahistorical order) are also created as free persons. Therefore, the process of world 'objectivization' is canceled, and the 'second coming of Christ' is prepared.

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