
An individual is supposed to learn approved social behavior and play roles as per approved norms in the social group he is living. The psychosocial development process is combined with social behavior. There are many ways to reshape or polish one’s social behavior. Deafness is associated with psychosocial problems which result in deviated social behavior. Psychosocial development last with lifespan. Erikson’s theoretical approach provides a conceptualization of counseling needs also guides intervention and determines the role of caregivers or counselors. Counseling therapy is an important way of intervention to address the psychosocial problems of the deaf community. This study is based on the critical review of the literature; an integrative literature review technique along with a qualitative approach was adopted to get available information in the literature for the purpose to conceptualize the thematic knowledge by synthesizing the scholarly information available on the topic. The literature revealed that counseling therapy is helpful in improving social skills, improving the level of socialization, and addressing the social and emotional problems of deaf persons.

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