
In full respect of the original, historical, cultural and natural conditions of the original site, contemporary Landscape Architecture can help to convert the site into public space characterised with a full range of functionalities. Extending the social offer of given sites with leisure and recreation options, the landscape architecture contributes to reshape public spaces into better and more sustainable places. Referring to three different case studies exemplifying the transformation of abandoned sites into functional public space during urban and rural regeneration in China, the paper focuses on the research of regeneration of sites converted into public space intended to provide recreation, leisure and educational opportunities to local communities. Through the application of a variety of forms and techniques, the contemporary Landscape Architecture can increase the appeal of public space and its vitality. This paper aims to present the results of the analysis of three different modern landscape designs implemented in abandoned areas. The referred to examples clearly testify for the fact that the contemporary landscape architecture can effectively promote the integration of education and leisure to create open space compliant with the ecological principles of sustainable development, i.e. where identification and assessment of the relationship between Landscape Architecture and the surroundings, identification and assessment of the diversity and attractiveness of public space and possible Landscape Architecture solutions can turn into direct benefits for the space users.

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