
Cardiovascular diseases and coronary heart diseases are the most commoncause of mortality. The compounds present in fruits and vegetables likepolyphenols, flavonoids, dietary fibers, dietary nitrates, alkaloid, phytosterols,lycopenes are considered important for preventing cardiovascular diseases.Importance of fruits and vegetables in diet can be used further to create insight ofrisk factors as well as the cure of Cardiovascular Diseases. Several studiesincluding many experiments and surveys were selected in which the intake offruits and vegetables were measured and the incidence of mortality due to CVDswas recorded. Intake of FBV (fruit, berries and vegetables) 3 times a day in youngage can reduce the risk of CVDs in adulthood and also lowers blood pressure,reduce the stiffness of coronary arteries, and prevent from the damaging effectsof reactive oxygen species and metal ions. The compounds present in FBV lowerthe risk of cardiovascular diseases with their antioxidant properties(polyphenolics, flavonoids), reducing properties (dietary nitrates) and chelatingproperties (polyphenolics, flavanoids). So the inclusion of vegetables and fruitsin daily diet can reduce the risk factors associated with CVDs. Key Words: Cardiovascular Diseases, Coronary Heart Diseases, Low DensityLipoproteins, Fruit Berries and Vegetables

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