
AbstractThe most recent research findings that were presented at the 2021 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2021), held virtually at University College Dublin, Ireland, are introduced briefly in this preface. The wide range of topics were thematically focussed on four distinctly different areas, all of which are of critical importance in addressing the demands posed by the societal need for sustainability of increasingly scarce resources, i.e. (1) the role of circular economy in manufacturing, supply chain, and waste management (2) environmental and sustainability assessment frameworks and tools, (3) innovative case studies and (4) legislation and policy. Furthermore, the role of circular resources and the importance of developing circular models in product design, manufacturing and supply chain are discussed. Finally, related future research gaps and opportunities are presented. It is hoped that this collection of articles will reflect the scientific state-of-the-art and be a useful point of reference for researchers, policymakers and funding agencies alike.KeywordsCircular economyWaste managementLife cycle analysisResource sustainabilityCircular life cycle

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