
Circular RNA (circRNA) is a covalently closed-loop non-coding RNA that exists widely in the transcriptome of eukaryotic cells. It participates in a variety of pathophysiological processes by acting as a microRNA sponge, regulating the level of protein transcription, and interacting with RNA binding proteins. CircRNA is enriched in the cortex, hippocampus, brain white matter, and photoreceptor neurons of aging bodies, and they can be used as a biomarker for neural senescence. The expression levels of circRNA in peripheral blood and synapses in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients are increased, which are involved in the occurrence and prognosis of AD. Different circRNAs such as HDAC9, Homer1, Cwc27, Tulp4, and PTK2 can lead to AD pathological changes via increasing amyloid-β deposition, promoting tau protein hyperphosphorylation, aggravating neuroinflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, which result in the cognitive decline.

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