
The present sedentary lifestyle, irregular food intake, prolonged sitting or standing and psychological problems has affected quality of life. Hemorrhoids are one such disease which is co-related to Arshas. The change in lifestyle has caused increase in the prevalence of this disease. It may occur at any age but mostly seen in the age between 30-65 years. Incidence is equal in both the sexes. Prevention of this is done by healthy diet and lifestyle modifications. Arshas is an abnormal fleshy overgrowth in Guda which is caused due to Virudhaahara Sevana, Adhyashana, Uttkatukasana, Vegadharana, Sahajaani etc. leading to derangement of Tridosha. Treatment of Arshas is of 4 types and Kshara Karma is one among them. Kshara Karma is indicated where Arshas Ankura is Mridu, Prasruta, Avagada and Uchritha. Kshara is considered superior among Shastra and Anushastra due to its property of Chedana, Bhedana, Lekhana and Tridoshagna. Chitraka being mentioned in preparation of Kshara and has Arshohara, Lekhana, Krimighna property. Considering all these factors an effort is made to substantiate the role of Chitraka Kshara and its probable mode of action in Arshas.

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