
Human Ishikawa endometrial cells form domes when confluent monolayers are stimulated with fresh fetal bovine serum. Extensive structural and biochemical changes have been detected during the approximately 30 h differentiation period. The earliest detectable change involves the formation of multinucleated structures and the appearance of "granules" that stain for biotin within those structures. Nuclei become associated with each other and are ultimately enclosed within a biotin-containing membrane. Aggregated membrane-sheathed nuclei and the cells containing them begin to elevate from the dish as biotin staining becomes apparent in apical membranes. The elevated structures are called predomes and consist of one or more very large cells containing the sheathed nuclei. Apical membranes of these unusual cells extend far out into the medium in structures that resemble endometrial pinopods. A lumen under the elevated cells fills with transcytosed fluid. As differentiation proceeds, highly concentrated chromatin material that was flattened against apical and lateral membranes of the predome cells begins to disperse. Small mononuclear cells evolve from larger predome cells. Apical membranes of predome and dome cells continue to stain for biotin. Gel electrophoresis of SDS-solubilized biotin-containing membranes, followed by Western blot analysis using avidin-linked peroxidase, resulted in three stained bands with molecular weights similar to those of the mitochondrial carboxylases: propionyl carboxylase, methylmalonyl carboxylase, and pyruvate carboxylase.

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