
Ayurveda the Indian medical system mentioned Madhumeha as imbalance of the Doshas; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Madhumeha correlated with diabetes as per modern medical science characterized by hyperglycemia and disturbance of water and electrolyte homeostasis. In Ayurveda (Brihatrayi) it is considered as Ashta mahagada as difficult to cure. It is also relates with life-style related metabolic disorder since consumption of junk foods, day time sleep, lack of exercises and sedentary habits may precipitate symptoms of diabetes. Now a day’s Madhumeha has become very common pathological condition affecting more than 20% of world population. Madhumeha may be managed by good conduction of Ahara-Vihara, Yoga, Sodhana karma and use of various ayurveda formulations, however recently Panchakarma has gain great attention towards the management of Madhumeha since some specific modalities of Panchakarma effectively removes vitiated Doshas and Vasti Karma is one of them. Considering this aspect present article summarized ayurveda perspective of Basti Karma towards the management of Madhumeha.
 Keywords: Ayurveda, Diabetes, Madhumeha, Panchakarma, Basti Karma.

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