
Abstract: Technological advancement made a tremendous change among the workers. In India majority of the workers were in unorganized or in the informal sector. While considering our traditional economic system, these workers were considered as the margin of the economy. But artificial intelligence (AI) have the possibility to take these workers to the mainstream of the economy. Even these changes happen but still some of the people were also under the disparity to access these technologies effectively. If they use artificial intelligence (AI) at its full potential these workers can increase their productivity to a great extent. Work engagement means a person’s emotional attachment to his work; because he believes that his action can make changes in the current scenario. A highly engaged worker is considered an asset to the organization. By utilizing the possibilities of AI the workers in the unorganized sector can also create new trends of jobs. Even though these changes happened, some of the workers were struggling to adapt to these changes. This study mainly focused on how these issues can be solved through work engagement, how to increase the number of workers, and how to get them into the mainstream of the economy. The study primarily focused on the relationship between work engagement and the adoption of AI technology in the unorganized sector.

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