
1. The aphids Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini, Aphis spp. (Aphis pomi De Geer and Aphis spiraecola Patch), and Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann are commonly found together in apple orchards. Ants establish a mutualistic relationship with the myrmecophilous aphids D. plantaginea and Aphis spp. but not with E. lanigerum.2. Field surveys and one experiment manipulating the presence of ants and the aphid species were conducted to test the hypothesis that ants play a role in structuring the community of these aphids on apple.3. Ants tended D. plantaginea and Aphis spp. but not E. lanigerum colonies. In the field, D. plantaginea performed better in the presence of ants while no effect was observed in Aphis spp. Contrarily, populations of Aphis spp. in the manipulative experiment performed better in the presence of ants while no differences were observed for D. plantaginea. Such differences between field and manipulative conditions could be related to thermal tolerance, phenology, and life cycles. In contrast, populations of E. lanigerum were reduced in the presence of ants.4. Ants also had a significant negative effect on the abundance of natural enemies, which could partially explain the benefits to the tended aphids. However, while ants did not provide a benefit to Aphis spp. when it was reared alone, in the presence of other species ant attendance increased Aphis abundance by 256% and simultaneously reduced E. lanigerum abundance by 63%. Therefore, ants benefited Aphis by reducing competition with other aphid species, which involves a different mechanism, explaining the benefit of ant attendance. Considering all the aphid species together, ants had a net positive effect on aphid abundance, which was consequently considered harmful for the plant.5. Our results highlighted the role that ants play in structuring apple aphid communities and give support to the observed pattern that ants can benefit tended aphids while simultaneously reducing the abundance of untended herbivores.

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