
Ayurveda is the foremost life science and describes ways to prevent lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda is the world's ancient health care system. Lifestyle disorders are due to Poor life-style which includes; poor diet, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, Smoking, excess alcohol, poor sleep, stress due to heavy workload and increased consumption of unhealthy food. Ahara Dravyas can be considered under the category Dravyabhuta Aushadhi. So, the dietetic rules can be considered as Upaya or Adravyabhuta Aushadhi for Vikaraprasamana. The eight factors of diet responsible for health and diseases are described as “Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatanani”. Ahara is considered as Mahabhaishajya (the superior medicine). Various life style disorders and numerous diseases occur due to faulty dietary habits which may be prevented by proper Ahara and eating habits. Ayurveda insists that Ahara should be chosen in accordance to the Prakriti or constitution of individual. The diet is regarded as Brahman as it holds such supreme importance. “Annam Brahmeti Vyajaanat”. In general terms food includes all the edible substances. The original source of living beings and their strength, complexion and Ojas is diet which consists of Six Rasas and those again depend on substances.

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