
In this current era, people suffer from many metabolic and Hormonal diseases. The burden of diabetes is high and increasing globally and in developing countries like India, mainly fuelled by the increasing prevalence of overweight and unhealthy lifestyles. Some conditions like Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, and Obesity are risk fac-tors for Madhumeha (diabetes Type 2). The estimates in 2019 showed that 77 million individuals had diabetes in India, which is expected to rise to over 134 million by 2045. Material and Methods: The review will be done from various Ayurvedic classical texts, modern textbooks, international journals, and online databases like Google Scholar for relevant literature. Discussion: Poor dietary pattern, Ahara having Snigdha and Guru guna, lifestyle, and stressful conditions vitiated Kapha predominant Tridosha→Saptadhatu along with Dhatukshaya, which ultimately diminished digestive fire led to Ama formation. Madhumeha is one such disease that is de-scribed in almost all classical Ayurvedic texts. The cure for pre-diabetic conditions and preventive strategies of diabetes Kapha-Medahara and Vatanulomaka Anna pana uses, Mudga Yush, Yava churan, Tikta rasa, and Ruksh guna are also used. traditional medicine Haridra, Amalki, and Triphala. Conclusion: Diabetes is con-trolled by curing the pre-diabetic condition. Explore the ancient Ahar kapha-Medahara and Vatanulomaka Anna pana, yoga, and traditional medicine.

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