
In resistance arteries the role of actin fibers and microtubules on their passive viscoelastic charectistics are not clearly understood. Arterioles were isolated from rat cremaster muscles, and pressurized to 60mmHg and incubated at 34.5 °C. The arterioles were observed under a microscope where vessel diameter was recorded. After vessels developed tone they were washed and incubated in solution containing EGTA but not Ca++ for 30 minutes. After obtaining maximum passive diameter arterioles were subjected to different pressures before and after a 30‐minute incubation with Cytochalasin D, Latrunculin, or Demecolcine alone or in combination.ResultsPressure diameter curves were obtained before and after actin cytoskeleton and microtubule disruption. There was no significant difference in the pressure diameter curve before and after administration of DMSO, Cytochalasin D, Latrunculin or Demecolcine alone or in combinations (p>0.05). We have previously shown that Demecholcine disrupts the microtubular network. Confocal images further indicate that treatment with Cytochalasin D and or Latrunculin successfully disrupts the actin cytoskeleton.DiscussionBased on the above results, it can be considered that the actin fibers and microtubules do not play a major role in the passive viscoelastic characteristics of cremaster arterioles.

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