
Recent proteome studies on the Escherichia coli membrane proteins suggested that YhcB is a putative third subunit of cytochrome bd-type ubiquinol oxidase (CydAB) (F. Stenberg, P. Chovanec, S.L. Maslen, C.V. Robinson, L.L. Ilag, G. von Heijne, D.O. Daley, Protein complexes of the Escherichia coli cell envelope. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 34409–34419). We isolated and characterized cytochrome bd from the Δ yhcB strain, and found that the formation of the CydAB heterodimer, the spectroscopic properties of bound hemes, and kinetic parameters for the ubiquinol-1 oxidation were identical to those of cytochrome bd from the wild-type strain. Anion-exchange chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that YhcB was not associated with the cytochrome bd complex. We concluded that YhcB is dispensable for the assembly and function of cytochrome bd. YhcB, which is distributed only in γ-proteobacteria, may be a part of another membrane protein complex or may form a homo multimeric complex.

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