
The purpose of this research was to study process of role differentiation among female homosexuals who have formed quasi-marital unions. The question under investigation was whether one member of union assumes husband's role while other assumes wife's role. If so, why does this differentiation take place? In simplest terms, it is hypothesized that complementary roles will be adopted in unions. This assumes that heterosexual society's roles are learned mainly through socialization, and further that homosexuals have been adequately exposed to socialization process concerning sex-role differentiation in American culture. Certain sociological concepts are used in discussion to follow: homosexuality, homosexual marital unions, the family, marriage, and sex role differentiation. Before proceeding further, each concept requires definition. In regard to definition of female homosexual, Cory (1961:485) states: The word homosexuality is applied to both practice of engaging in sexual acts in which both persons are of same sex, and psychological arousal that motivates a person to desire such act.

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