
Moreno considered the roles in which one operates as the “tangible aspect of what is known as ‘ego’” (zit. in Leutz 1974, p. 43). Although the role concept is one of the main concepts in psychodrama there exist only a few attempts to invent handy measurements for the development of roles. This pilot study published in the Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie is an attempt to systematically analyse the roles of psychodrama students in their training; based on role descriptions suggested by Clayton (1994) and Daniel (2007) combined with the five dimensions of the five-factor model of the BIG FIVE. The analysis was conducted at two measurement points: after the first period of the self-awareness training (120 h) and at the end of training (240 h). The training sessions were accurately documented, including a description of all roles the students had taken. The roles were assigned to one of the five dimensions and counted. The findings suggest a notable development after each period. Although the results are promising there are still several questions waiting for answers.

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