
In the article, based on the analysis of historiography on the topic, the problems that need to be studied are identified, as well as the goals, objectives, research methodology. The experience of the work of state and party bodies of Kabardino-Balkaria in organizing the labor activity of workers, collective farmers and employees in the conditions of the approaching front, temporary occupation and the period of restoration of the national economy after the expulsion of the enemy from the territory of the republic is summarized. The number of workers and employees is analyzed, including by age and gender in various sectors of the national economy of Kabardino-Balkaria, as well as the reasons for the shortage of labor resources in the region during the war years.The activity of industrial enterprises of the region for the production of products for peaceful and military purposes is revealed. The forms of remuneration and taxation of workers and employees are investigated. It is noted that the mandatory non-refundable cash contributions to the Defense Fund and the increase in market prices on collective farm markets led to the fact that the wages of workers and employees in the republic did not increase by the end of the war, but, on the contrary, decreased. The degree of participation of the population of the republic in the construction of defensive structures, the collection of warm clothes and gifts for the soldiers of the Red Army, the creation of the grain fund of the Red Army and the Defense Fund, and the subscription to State loans is revealed. Methods and techniques for the implementation of labor mobilization of the civilian population in agricultural production in the conditions of approaching the front are considered. The production activity of collective farmers is studied under the conditions of a new form of wages and an increase in the mandatory minimum of workdays. The reasons for the low labor activity of a part of the rural population in the region are determined. The results of labor and economic mobilization of the population of the republic are summarized.

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