
With the inception of National Health Mission (NHM)/National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) doctors were colocated in public health institutions and were made a part of the mainstream healthcare system. The study was conducted with an objective to understand the role and effectiveness of AYUSH doctors in providing maternal health services in public health institutions in rural India. This brief review was carried out by selecting articles through cross-references and hand search. Research on AYUSH principles/therapeutics in maternal health is found in good quantity; however, the role of AYUSH doctors in providing maternal health services is very limited. These studies assessed the theoretical knowledge regarding essential and emergency obstetric care, identifying and managing pregnancy related complications and the usage of partograph. Skills related to antenatal checkups, counseling skill on danger signs of pregnancy, vaginal delivery, neonatal resuscitation, and postnatal care were also evaluated by some studies. Studies observed variation in knowledge and skills among AYUSH doctors in different states, which reflects the support of the government and the training ambience that these doctors are exposed to at their undergraduate level and on-the-job training. The presence of AYUSH doctors in rural areas is, indeed, a great help for the community; however, they need regular training and orientation to upgrade their knowledge and skills for effective service delivery.

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