
Aims: This article aims to understand the impact of technology on family relationships through an analysis of the role of Catholic values in maintaining a balance between technological progress and ethics. Additionally, it seeks to identify the challenges and benefits arising from the integration of technology into family life. Methods: The research is based on an analysis of the Church's teachings on family and its social role, an assessment of the influence of modern technologies on family life, and an examination of practices involving the integral use of technology within families. A significant aspect of the analysis is the consideration of the role of parents in shaping Catholic values in the context of technological advancement. Results: The article identifies key elements of technology's influence on family relationships while indicating specific methods through which families can balance the benefits and challenges of technological progress. Furthermore, it emphasizes the crucial role of parents as educators of Catholic values in the era of technology. Conclusion: The article challenges readers to deeply reflect on potential threats to family relationships in the face of rapid technological development. In the context of this reflection, it encourages active discussion that can contribute to a better understanding of how to effectively integrate technology into family life without compromising fundamental values. Ultimately, it serves as an inspiration to seek harmony between Catholic values and the dynamic world of technology, expressing hope for finding a balance that allows the integration of these two spheres of life in a way that not only preserves but strengthens family communities. Originality: The article stands out for its unique perspective on the impact of technology on family relationships, making a significant contribution to research in this field. Particularly noteworthy is the approach that focuses on considering Catholic values as a crucial element in balancing technological progress and ethics in the context of family life. The author draws attention to spiritual and moral aspects, providing an innovative viewpoint in analyzing the influence of technology on the private and interpersonal aspects of family life. Keywords: dialogue, family, information and communication technologies, societal role, church, Catholic values, values shaping.

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