
This article addresses the issue of the involvement of laypeople in the communication of the Gospel to the modern world. Its aim is to highlight the areas of particular impact of the laity in the realization of the Gospel in the daily lives of believers. The article enumerates some tasks and functions of laypeople in the Church, demonstrating the vast space of engagement of the lay faithful in the mission of the Church and their participation in the building and development of the Church community. However, the problem lies in the fact that, unfortunately, the involvement of lay faithful often boils down to external religious practices. The activity advocated by successive post- Vatican II popes and mandated by legal provisions must be revitalized through appropriate forms of preparation and instruction for the laity, as this is how they fulfill their vocation and mission in the Church and the world. This situation also requires a change in the mindset of the official priesthood in the Church. The church hierarchy should recognize the potential of the laity in proclaiming the Gospel „to the ends of the earth”. Therefore, bishops and priests should mobilize the laity to act and stimulate their work for evangelization. The current situation, nearly sixty years after the Second Vatican Council, necessitates a reconsideration of the role of the laity in the Church, so as not to waste the tremendous potential inherent in laypeople in the coming years.

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