
As I see, now and again, reports on treatment of various diseases with roentgen rays and radium, my mind reverts to the time, twenty years ago, when we were learning the therapeutic use of roentgen rays. It has been interesting to me to compare the results then with the results now, and I thought it might be interesting for us to look over some of these old results and compare the present with the past in this field. I began the therapeutic use of roentgen rays, Feb. 1, 1900, in a case of hypertrichosis. Soon after, in treating a case of hypertrichosis, I was amazed to see a bad acne clear up. In May, 1900, I treated my first case of lupus. In December, 1899, Stenbeck had demonstrated before the Swedish Medical Society a case of cured epithelioma, and about the middle of 1900, Johnson and Merrill had published the

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