
Rodingites composed predominantly of grossular-andradite and epidote-group minerals have been identified at one locality in the ophiolitic (?) Hammett Grove Meta-igneous Suite in the southern Appalachian Piedmont, South Carolina. The rodingites occur at or near the contact between altered (steatitized) ultramafic rocks and gneissic country rocks of the Inner Piedmont belt. The rodingites formed contemporaneously with antigorite in the host rock as the last of several cooling assemblages following the middle or early Paleozoic metamorphic thermal peak at middle- or upper-amphibolite facies conditions. Petrographic and geochemical evidence suggests that the rodingites formed by calcium metasomatism of gabbroic and immature graywacke protoliths, and that static conditions prevailed during metasomatism. Fluid inclusion work indicates that the serpentinizing fluid was relatively saline; it contained 5.3 ± 1.0 equiv. wt.% NaCl and the crystallization temperature is estimated to have been between 350-500°C

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