
Simple SummaryIn the present study, we tested whether, when given the choice to ascend or descend, rodents would favor traveling downwards or upwards on identical inclinations and sought to explain the underlying mechanism of such a preference. Our test incorporated different rodent species that dwell in different habitats and display different life and motor styles. We found that all the tested rodent species displayed a general preference to descend, with rodents from complex habitats being less affected by inclination compared with rodents from flatlands. Overall, when given the choice to ascend or descend, all the tested species displayed a preference to descend, perhaps as attraction to the ground (a behavior termed gravitaxis), where they usually have their burrows. Gravity polarizes the vertical axis and many animals can sense whether they are moving with gravity or against gravity. Gravitaxis, which is a movement in reference to a gradient, could therefore be a property involved in spatial behavior, a fundamental means of facilitating navigation, as manifested here in the rodents’ general preference to descend rather than ascend.We directly tested whether, when given the choice to ascend or descend, rodents would favor traveling downwards or upwards. The test incorporated different rodent species that dwell in different habitats and display different life and motor styles. Testing was performed in a three-dimensional Y-maze in which the basis was horizontal and, by rotating it, one arm of the maze could be pointing upwards at a certain angle and the other arm pointed downwards at the same angle. All the tested species displayed a general preference for descent, with rodents from complex habitats being less affected by inclination compared with rodents from flatlands. Unlike laboratory rats, wild species traveled greater distances along the lower compared to the upper maze arm. All the rodents initially tended to travel the entire length of the inclined maze arms, but such complete trips decreased with the increase in inclination. When introduced into the maze from top or bottom, flatland dwellers traveled mainly in the entry arm. Overall, when given the choice to ascend or descend, all the tested species displayed a preference to descend, perhaps as attraction to the ground, where they usually have their burrows.

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