
Relevance. Subsurface mining at the Gaysky ore mine is intensifying because of the growing need in raw material. It leads to rapid increase in the depth of mining and to problems connected with the stability of mining system constructive elements. The effi ciency of the Gaysky deposit underground development is largely determined by mining system constructive elements stability. Ore cave-in in the chambers of the fi rst and second stages causes the growth of load in the interchamber pillars leading to their collapse, loss of boreholes and development headings. Mining productivity in the chambers of the fi rst, second, etc. stages falls, oversize yield grows, which also impairs the effectiveness of mining. Hanging wall and footwall cave-in in the deposit under consideration may be explained not only by host rock poor stability, but also by the presence of high compressive tectonic stresses, that were determined by the authors. Stress measurements in the rock mass have shown that the east-west stresses have doubled the northsouth stresses and have been 1.5 times as high as the vertical ones. The purpose of the research is to reduce stresses in stopes ore in place when excavating steeply dipping ore bodies using a sublevel stoping method with a hardening backfi ll. Research methodology includes full-scale experimental measurements of the stress state of the rock mass and ore in place at accessible depths and horizons of the deposit. A comprehensive scientifi c research method was used, including the analysis and theoretical generalization of stress distribution regularities in the arrays of the extracted chamber reserves and mathematical modeling of the behavior of the research object; theoretical results were compared with the results of instrumental observations. The analysis of the research results made it possible to establish the stress-strained state behavior in the course of mining. It was revealed that when mining a deposit using sublevel stoping, the most loaded elements are the hanging wall and footwall exposed parts, ceiling, interchamber pillars and bottom. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to increase ore in place stability in order to guarantee the safety and effi ciency of the mineral extraction technology. Conclusions. Relieve slots method is among the most effective and frequently used active method of rock mass pressure control. The method has come into common use because it is easy to apply. Main labor inputs of a relieve slot creation are only reduced to extra drilling and blasting which do not require additional tunnel driving. The aim of the relieve slot is to create additional free surfaces for deformation, to redistribute rock mass stress-strain state, and remove stress from the protected element of the mining system.

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