
During Ukraine's 2004 presidential campaign and Orange Revolution, some of Ukraine's leading rock and pop musicians played a significant role in the campaigning of both candidates, Viktor Yanukovych and Viktor Yushchenko. Marked differences were manifest between the two musical camps that performed for each of the two candidates. A particularly notable role was played by some of Ukraine's leading rock stars in Yushchenko's campaign, including mobilizing support for the opposition candidate prior to and during the Orange Revolution. Performing in concerts in support of political candidates falls within a post-Soviet pattern; however, the specifics of the 2004 presidential campaign in the context of the growing authoritarianism of the Kuchma–Yanukovych regime and cultural politics were factors that contributed to the politicization of the musicians who supported Yushchenko. The result was that the role of music in Ukraine's electoral politics in 2004 was prominent and unique.

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