
The semi-empirical calibration method applied to the neutron porosity tool is presented in this paper. It was used with the ODSN-102 tool of 70 mm diameter and equipped with an Am-Be neutron source at the calibration facility of Zielona Gora, Poland, inside natural and artificial rocks : four sandstone, four limestone and one dolomite block with borehole diameters of 143 and 216 mm, and three artificial ceramic blocks with borehole diameters of 90 and 180 mm. All blocks were saturated with fresh water, and fresh water was also inside all boreholes. In five blocks mineralized water (200,000 ppm NaCl) was introduced inside the boreholes. All neutron characteristics of the calibration blocks are given in this paper. The semi-empirical method of calibration correlates the tool readings observed experimentally with the general neutron parameter (GNP). This results in a general calibration curve. where the tool readings (TR) vs GNP are situated at one curve irrespective of their origin, i.e. of the formation lithology, borehole diameter, tool stand-off, brine salinity, etc. The GNP is defined as GNP = L map Σ ap n Pr ap m where L maP is the apparent neutron migration length in the tool-borehole-formation geometry, and Σ ap and Pr ap are the apparent absorption cross-section and slowing down probability for neutrons in the same real geometry respectively. The n and m power coefficients are obtained experimentally during the calibration procedure. The apparent neutron parameters are defined as those sensed by a neutron tool situated inside the borehole and in real environmental conditions. When they are known, the GNP parameter can be computed analytically for the whole range of porosity at any kind of borehole diameter, formation lithology (including variable rock matrix absorption cross-section and density), borehole and formation salinity, tool stand-off and drilling fluid physical parameters. By this approach all porosity corrections with respect to the standard (e.g. limestone) calibration curve can be generated.

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