
In random effects meta-analysis, an overall effect is estimated using a weighted mean, with weights based on estimated marginal variances. The variance of the overall effect is often estimated using the inverse of the sum of the estimated weights, and inference about the overall effect is typically conducted using this ‘usual’ variance estimator, which is not robust to errors in the estimated marginal variances. In this paper, robust estimation for the asymptotic variance of a weighted overall effect estimate is explored by considering a robust variance estimator in comparison with the usual variance estimator and another less frequently used estimator, a weighted version of the sample variance. Three illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate and compare the three estimation methods. Furthermore, a simulation study is conducted to assess the robustness of the three variance estimators using estimated weights. The simulation results show that the robust variance estimator and the weighted sample variance estimator both estimate the variance of an overall effect more accurately than the usual variance estimator when the weights are imprecise due to the use of estimated marginal variances, as is typically the case in practice.Therefore, we argue that inference about an overall effect should be based on the robust variance estimator or the weighted sample variance, which provide protection against the practice of using estimated weights in meta-analytical inference.

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