
Episodic pulses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) are essential for maintaining reproductive functions in mammals. An explanation for the origin of this rhythm remains an ultimate goal for researchers in this field. Some plausible mechanisms have been proposed among which the autocrine-regulation mechanism has been implicated by numerous experiments. GnRH binding to its receptors in cultured GnRH neurons activates three types of G-proteins that selectively promote or inhibit GnRH secretion (Krsmanovic et al. in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100:2969-2974, 2003). This mechanism appears to be consistent with most data collected so far from both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Based on this mechanism, a mathematical model has been developed (Khadra and Li in Biophys. J. 91:74-83, 2006) in which GnRH in the extracellular space plays the roles of a feedback regulator and a synchronizing agent. In the present study, we show that synchrony between different neurons through sharing a common pool of GnRH is extremely robust. In a diversely heterogeneous population of neurons, the pulsatile rhythm is often maintained when only a small fraction of the neurons are active oscillators (AOs). These AOs are capable of recruiting nonoscillatory neurons into a group of recruited oscillators while forcing the nonrecruitable neurons to oscillate along. By pointing out the existence of the key elements of this model in vivo, we predict that the same mechanism revealed by experiments in vitro may also operate in vivo. This model provides one plausible explanation for the apparently controversial conclusions based on experiments on the effects of the ultra-short feedback loop of GnRH on its own release in vivo.

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