
Acute and chronic kidney diseases are a major contributor to morbidity and mortality worldwide, with no specific treatments currently available for these. To enable understanding the pathophysiology of and testing novel treatments for acute and chronic kidney disease, a suitable in vivo model of kidney disease is essential. In this article, we describe two reliable rodent models (rats and mice) of efficacious kidney injury displaying acute to chronic kidney injury progression, which is also reversible through novel therapeutic strategies such as ischemic preconditioning (IPC). We utilized adult male Lewis rats and adult male wildtype (C57BL/6) mice, performed a midline laparotomy, and induced warm ischemia to both kidneys by bilateral clamping of both renal vascular pedicles for a set time, to mimic the hypoxic etiology of disease commonly found in kidney injury. Bilateral ischemia reperfusion injury caused marked structural and functional kidney injury as exemplified by histology damage scores, serum creatinine levels, and kidney injury biomarker levels in both rodents. Furthermore, this effect displayed a dose-dependent response in the mouse model. These rodent models of bilateral kidney IRI are reliable, reproducible, and enable detailed mechanistic study of the underlying pathophysiology of both acute and chronic kidney disease. They have been carefully optimised for single operator use with a strong track record of training both surgically trained and surgically naïve operators.

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